Patio Shades

You Choose the Color, we measure and Custom build for your home or business. Patio Shades are becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that families are spending more time on their patios. Patio shades can span long distances and can be designed to fit most openings.

Our motorized patio shades can allow you to create an entire living space that can be utilized all year long. They block the sun in the hot months and stop the wind and cold in the cooler months. You can create an entire outdoor living space with the touch of a button.

If you are considering this as an option in your newly constructed home, please contact us so we can visit with your builder. We have a special track than can be inserted into a stone or brick column.

Live life outside! These shades are great for Patios, Pergolas, garage openings, windows and much more!!!

Let’s start talking!

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